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I can’t have a session, I’ll ruin the photos.

Do you look at gorgeous family photos online, instantly love them and desperately want something like that for yourself and your family? Of course. Then you imagine a scenario where you're at a beautiful location with your family, the sun is setting, everyone is laughing and smiling and you're hair looks amazing and everything is magical...

Que the flood of the other thoughts:

But I can't look like that, I'm not glamorous.

What would I wear? I don't have any nice clothes.

I'm not looking or feeling my best right now. Maybe once I lose some weight.

My hair is definitely not amazing.

I don't know how to pose or look good in photos.

There's no point.

And so on.

This list was so easy to write out as I've thought them all myself. As an example, that photo above is of me and my family. We were in Costa Rica and I knew I wanted to set up my camera for a family photo at some point in the trip. I try to take a family portrait once a year.. And whenever the time comes close to taking some pictures of us, I get super nervous. And it’s not for finding a good location, lighting or composition (that’s my job). Nope. It’s me. I’m worried I’ll let the photo down (I've actually said these words to my husband). I’m awkward in front of the camera. I don't know how to stand to look my best. This photo turned out well, to my pessimistic surprise.

But before we go too far done that rabbit hole, let me pull you back out. I think those thoughts are super normal. Most people, mums especially, have so much to do for others that our appearance sometimes takes a backseat. Even if we do manage to do a little self-care, we're not the spring chickens we used to be (speaking for myself, for sure) and don't feel prepared to expose ourselves in a photo session.

I'm here to tell you that almost 100% of the mums I've had the pleasure of shooting have had those same comments/ thoughts/ worries. But you don't see that in the photos.

They are radiant. They are happy. They're not thinking any of those thoughts they had pre-session. And come to think of it, same with me. Lifestyle photography is more natural. It's you being you with your family. It's capturing how you actually smile at your kids. Genuine emotions translate powerfully in photos. There's no special trick. No magic moves. It's you being you. And you're gorgeous.

So when those thoughts start to creep in when you're considering whether a photo session is right for you, remember that it may not be as you expect. You might have fun. You might end up with photos and memories that you and your kids will cherish for many years to come.

Comment here or send me an email to chat anytime!

Until next time, beautiful people.



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